Gardening Books by Judith

All books available at Bookworks, our local independent book seller. Order online here.

The Gardens of Los Poblanos

In The Gardens of Los Poblanos, landscape designer and garden writer Judith Phillips recounts the history of these world-renowned gardens and demonstrates the ways in which the farm’s owners, designers, and gardeners have influenced the evolution of this unique landscape. Phillips showcases how the changes in landscape style and content are driven by cultural expectations and climatic realities, and she discusses how the gardens of Los Poblanos have helped preserve the deep agrarian roots of the village of Los Ranchos de Albuquerque. Although plants are always a focus for Phillips, she demonstrates how gardens are more than plants and how plants are much more than mere fillers of garden space.

Growing the Southwest Garden

Growing the Southwest Garden, by New Mexico-based garden designer Judith Phillips, is a practical and beautiful handbook for ornamental gardening in a region known for its low rainfall and high temperatures. With more than thirty years of experience gardening in the Southwest, Phillips has created an essential guide, featuring regionally specific advice on zones, microclimates, soil, pests, and maintenance. Profiles of the best plants for the region include complete information on growth and care.

Plants for Natural Gardens

This companion book to Natural by Design: Beauty and Balance in Southwest Gardens concentrates on over two hundred plants, individually photographed and profiled. The key to any successful garden is knowing the plants, the conditions that nurture them, and the care that must be taken in their propagation, cultivation, transplanting, and pruning. Knowing the native and adaptive plants of the region and how best to use them in the landscape will enable the gardener to create gardens of self-sustaining beauty.

Natural by Design: Beauty and Balance in Southwest Gardens

Landscape gardening involves a partnership between gardener and environment and an understanding of why and how plants grow where they do. Phillips takes the reader on an illustrated garden tour through the rich ecosystems of the Southwest and into gardens she has designed in the upland forests, shrub/desert grasslands, riparian oases, and arid city plots. Her plant palette includes native trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and grasses and embraces dozens of adaptive plants that will flourish in the demanding conditions of the upland and desert West.

Southwestern Landscaping with Native Plants

This book has been the inspiration for tens of thousands of gardeners facing the challenging winds, soils, and droughts of low- and high-desert gardens. A perennial gardener’s favorite, this guide—with 53 color photographs and an all-new appendix of adapted plants—is the classic resource for reaping the rewards of landscaping with native and adaptive plants that will make a success of any gardening effort.

Online Resources

Resources for ecological gardening and native plants for Albuquerque and beyond

Creating Wildlife Habitat

ABQ Backyard Refuge // Habitat gardening design and recommended plant list for the ABQ Metro area

NMSU Pocket Guide to Native Bees

Xerces Society New Mexico

Rainwater Harvesting / Water Conservation

ARID LID Coalition// Stormwater harvesting and management information on scales from residential to community projects

Bernalillo County Residential Rainwater Harvesting Training

Watershed Management Group

Rainwater Harvesting by Brad Lancaster


Native Plant Society of New Mexico // Native plant information including home gardening, hiking hotspots with native plant lists and conservation information

Native Plant Selection Guide // For Central New Mexico gardens

Xeriscaping Guide // Watering recommendations and planting information from Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA)

Yerba Mansa Project // Medicinal plants, ecological restoration and ecological considerations regarding foraging and cultivating

Flora Neomexicana and NM Botanist Newsletter

NM Plant Guides

Wildflowers of New Mexico

Soil Health

NM Healthy Soil Working Group

Local Food

NM Farmers Markets

MoGro Sliding Scale CSA

Agri-Cultura Network

Los Jardines Institute

Rio Grande Community Farm